shell - How to Execute Script After Download? -

the code below supposed download script , execute on vagrant guest. script downloaded, never run. know how ensure execution of shell script after download?

remote_file "/home/vagrant/"   source "#{node.default['conscript']['url']}"   notifies :run, "bash[install conscript]", :immediately end  bash "install conscript"   cwd "/home/vagrant"   code <<-eoh     cwd "/home/vagrant"     chown vagrant:vagrant     chmod 777   eoh end 

when run script, need full (absolute) path not in shell's execute path.

i have working example (similar), reference

temp=chef::config[:file_cache_path]  remote_file "#{chef::config[:file_cache_path]}/"   source ""   mode 00755 end  bash 'screenfetch'   code <<-eof     #{temp}/./ > #{temp}/screenfetch.log 2>/dev/null   eof end 

mode bit set @ download time. can change recipe accordingly.

btw: can enable debug see more information

for chef-solo => chef-solo -c solo.rb -j node.json -l debug

vagrant + chef solo example (use chef.arguments)

config.vm.provision :chef_solo |chef|   # vagrant + chef-solo provision log level   # equivalent vagrant_log=info vagrant   chef.arguments = "-l debug"   chef.add_recipe "apt"   chef.add_recipe "nginx" end 

if chef-arguments not work, vagrant_log=debug vagrant up


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