java - Writing a custom protocol handler portable on Firefox, Chrome and IE running on Window -

i writing protocol handler launch java application, calling command java -jar myapp '%1'. have implemented chrome , looks work correcly. unfortunately don't have same behavior firefox , ie (weird uh?! x-d )

here implementation.

the protocol named dgh. during first installation application set following keys in windows registry

windows registry editor version 5.00  [hkey_classes_root\dgh] @="url:dghome  protocol" "url procol"=""  [hkey_classes_root\dgh\defaulticon] @="c:/dghome/iplusconf.exe,1"  [hkey_classes_root\dgh\shell]  [hkey_classes_root\dgh\shell\open]  [hkey_classes_root\dgh\shell\open\command] @="java -jar c:/dghome/pch/lib/pch.teleconsulto.jar \"%1\"" 

on chrome enough. on firefox, had add configurations in about:config.following mdn on firefox set following

network.protocol-handler.expose.dgh;true network.protocol-handler.external.dgh;true network.protocol-handler.warn-external.dgh;false 

in way firefox @ least ask me if want launch application , ask me select one: i don't want that, call command set , advise first time user that:

on ie nothing happens, says can't open web page reference link.

here set of link used test

<a href="dgh://call/open?id='kit1.teleconsulto'">open call kit1.teleconsulto</a> <a href="dgh://teleconsult/start?id='kit1.teleconsulto'">    open teleconsult kit1.teleconsulto</a> <a href="dgh://call/close">close call</a> <a href="dgh://call/end">close client</a> <a href="dgh://stethoscope/start">on phonendo</a> 

here references: installing , registering protocol handlers

i hope sincerely can me

the problem you're having you're calling jar directly in protocol handler. need invoke java.exe -jar parameter

your registry key should this

windows registry editor version 5.00  [hkey_classes_root\digitalmgi] @="url:digitalmgi protocol" "url protocol"=""  [hkey_classes_root\digitalmgi\defaulticon] @="c:\\mycoolicon.ico"  [hkey_classes_root\digitalmgi\shell]  [hkey_classes_root\digitalmgi\shell\open]  [hkey_classes_root\digitalmgi\shell\open\command] @="\"c:\\program files\\java\\jre7\\bin\\java.exe\" -jar \"c:\\mypath\\myjar.jar\" \"%1\"" 


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