iphone - Objective C - CCCallFuncND correct passing of an argument -

i've been trying call function below.it seems whenever in function playnote i'm trying access object i'm passing argument (mynum) crashes. i'm new , don't understand how pass parameters through cccallfuncnd. comments appreciated.

this call passes argument mynum:

id action2 = [cccallfuncnd actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(playnote:data:) data:(nsnumber *)mynum]; 

this whole block:

- (void)muteandplaynote:(nsinteger)notevalue :(cclayer*)currentlayer { mynum = [nsnumber numberwithinteger:notevalue];  nslog(@"test number: %d", [mynum integervalue]);  id action1 = [cccallfunc actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(muteaudioinput)];  id action2 = [cccallfuncnd actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(playnote:data:) data:(nsnumber *)mynum];  id action3 = [ccdelaytime actionwithduration:3];  id action4 = [cccallfunc actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(unmuteaudioinput)];  [currentlayer runaction: [ccsequence actions:action1, action2, action3, action4, nil]];  } 

nslog never displays crashes @ line.

- (void) playnote:(id)sender data:(nsnumber *)midinotevalue  { nslog(@"test number 2: %d", [midinotevalue integervalue]); int myint = [midinotevalue floatvalue]; [pdbase sendfloat: 55 toreceiver:@"midinote"]; [pdbase sendbangtoreceiver:@"trigger"]; } 

your method signature is:

-(void)playnote:(id)sender data:(nsnumber*)midinotevalue 

but should be:

-(void)playnote:(id)sender data:(void*)data 

this defined in ccactioninstant.h as:

typedef void (*cc_callback_nd)(id, sel, id, void *); 

also i'm pretty sure information crash, call stack end console output, helpful paste here in case i'm wrong ;)


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