android - Location update in background service not working after exit application -

i have implemented service updates location in background, android app not working(crashed) while existing application using key. following code.

public class locationservice extends service { private static final string tag = "location"; private locationmanager mlocationmanager = null; private static final int location_interval = 0; private static final float location_distance = 0f; private static context mcontext; private static int messagecount;  private class locationlistener implements android.location.locationlistener{     location mlastlocation;     public locationlistener(string provider)         {         mcontext = (context)locationdetails.locationcontext;         log.e(tag, "locationlistener " + provider);         mlastlocation = new location(provider);     }   @suppresswarnings("deprecation") @override public void onlocationchanged(location location) {     try     {         messagecount++;         log.e(tag, "onlocationchanged: " + location);         mlastlocation.set(location);          notificationmanager nm = (notificationmanager)getsystemservice(context.notification_service);            notification notification = new notification(r.drawable.ic_launcher, "text", system.currenttimemillis());         intent intenttl = new intent(mcontext, locationdetails.class);          notification.setlatesteventinfo(mcontext, "title", string.valueof(location.getlatitude()),                        pendingintent.getactivity(mcontext, 0, intenttl, pendingintent.flag_cancel_current));           notification.flags |= notification.flag_auto_cancel;          notification.defaults |= notification.default_sound;          notification.defaults |= notification.default_vibrate;         notification.number += messagecount;         nm.notify(messagecount, notification);     }     catch(exception error)     {         system.out.println(error.getmessage());     } } @override public void onproviderdisabled(string provider) {     log.e(tag, "onproviderdisabled: " + provider);             } @override public void onproviderenabled(string provider) {     log.e(tag, "onproviderenabled: " + provider); } @override public void onstatuschanged(string provider, int status, bundle extras) {     log.e(tag, "onstatuschanged: " + provider); } }  public class servicebinder extends binder {     locationservice getservice()     {         return locationservice.this;     } }  locationlistener[] mlocationlisteners = new locationlistener[] {     new locationlistener(locationmanager.gps_provider),     new locationlistener(locationmanager.network_provider) }; @override public ibinder onbind(intent arg0) {     return null; } @override public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) {         log.e(tag, "onstartcommand");     super.onstartcommand(intent, flags, startid);            return start_sticky; } @override public void oncreate() {     mcontext = (context)locationdetails.locationcontext;     log.e(tag, "oncreate");     initializelocationmanager();     try {         mlocationmanager.requestlocationupdates(                 locationmanager.network_provider, location_interval, location_distance,                 mlocationlisteners[1]);     } catch (java.lang.securityexception ex) {         log.i(tag, "fail request location update, ignore", ex);     } catch (illegalargumentexception ex) {         log.d(tag, "network provider not exist, " + ex.getmessage());     }     try {         mlocationmanager.requestlocationupdates(                 locationmanager.gps_provider, location_interval, location_distance,                 mlocationlisteners[0]);     } catch (java.lang.securityexception ex) {         log.i(tag, "fail request location update, ignore", ex);     } catch (illegalargumentexception ex) {         log.d(tag, "gps provider not exist " + ex.getmessage());     } } @override public void ondestroy() {     log.e(tag, "ondestroy");     super.ondestroy();     if (mlocationmanager != null) {         (int = 0; < mlocationlisteners.length; i++) {             try {                 mlocationmanager.removeupdates(mlocationlisteners[i]);             } catch (exception ex) {                 log.i(tag, "fail remove location listners, ignore", ex);             }         } } }  private void initializelocationmanager() {     log.e(tag, "initializelocationmanager");     if (mlocationmanager == null) {         mlocationmanager = (locationmanager) getapplicationcontext().getsystemservice(context.location_service);     } } } 

i used following code start locationservice.

intent locationservice = new intent();  locationservice.setclass(context, locationservice.class); context.startservice(locationservice); 

while exiting app using key, service not called, not getting notification. how fix issue?

i register service inside tag below.

    <application     android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"     android:label="@string/app_name"      android:theme="@style/apptheme">        <activity android:name=".locationdetails"                android:configchanges="orientation|keyboardhidden|screensize"               android:label="@string/title_activity_main" >         <intent-filter>             <action android:name="android.intent.action.main" />             <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher" />         </intent-filter>     </activity>         <service android:name=".locationservice" />         </application> 

try this..

     intent locationservice = new intent();       locationservice.setclass(context, locationservice.class);      context.startservice(locationservice);      finish(); 

once service created finish app exit.


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