android - OpenGL crashes when linking program, LG Nexus 4 -

i'm having opengl es driver error. time i'm trying compile following lines:

precision mediump float;  varying highp vec2 texturecoordinate;    void main() {   highp vec4 color = texture2d(input0, texturecoordinate);    vec3 color3 = color.rgb;  vec2 tc = (2.0 * texturecoordinate) - 1.0; float d = dot(tc, tc); vec2 lookup = vec2(d, color3.r);  ..    .. } 

but i'm getting after line:


native crash : "fatal signal 11(sigdev) @ 0x00000060(code = 1), thread 1231 " i'm guessing happens because lg nexus 4 uses gpu adreno, , crashes me error code 14 on different crash - using many macros.

after compile shader, using glgetshaderiv status of shader compilation. like:

glint compiled; glgetshaderiv(index, gl_compile_status, &compiled);  //index shader value 

then, if compiled returned zero, info length first, , error message follows:

glint infolen = 0; glgetshaderiv(index, gl_info_log_length, &infolen);  if(infolen > 1) {     char* infolog = new char(infolen);     glgetshaderinfolog(index, infolen, null, infolog); } 

check infolog see error message returned shader compilation. segmentation fault message in original post not give useful solve problem.


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