javascript - How to change href link of button used with dropdown menu? -

i trying create drop down menu button.

my code -

<div class="dropdown-plans"> <select id="basic_plan" name="bill_cycle"> <option value="tri"> 3 years - rs. 100/month </option> <option value="bi"> 2 years - rs. 200/month </option> <option value="ann"> 1 year - rs. 100/month </option> </select> </div>  <div class="button-plans"> <a href="somelink"> order </a> </div> 

depending on option select dropdown, href value "somelink" should change. instance if select 1 year. href value should change "somelink" ""


i searched 2 things. 1) changing href using javascript , 2) using onchange select tag. lead me create following piece of code.

<script>  function getopt(period) {      if (period.value = "tri") { document.getelementbyid("abc").href="tri.html"; }     else if (period.value = "bi") { document.getelementbyid("abc").href="bi.html"; }     else { document.getelementbyid("abc").href="ann.html"; }   }  </script>  <div class="dropdown-plans">  <select id="basic_plan" name="bill_cycle" onchange="getopt(this)">  <option value="tri"> 3 years - rs. 100/month </option> <option value="bi"> 2 years - rs. 200/month </option> <option value="ann"> 1 year - rs. 100/month </option>  </select>  </div>  <div class="button-plans"> <a id="abc" href="something"> order </a> </div> 

problem: drop down shows 3 years default. if select 2 years, still remains 3 years.

try change href value of selected option:


<div class="dropdown-plans">     <select id="basic_plan" name="bill_cycle">         <option value="tri">3 years - rs. 100/month</option>         <option value="bi">2 years - rs. 200/month</option>         <option value="ann">1 year - rs. 100/month</option>     </select> </div> <div class="button-plans">     <a id="abc" href="something"> order </a> </div> 


var sel = document.getelementbyid('basic_plan'); sel.onchange = function () {     document.getelementbyid("abc").href = this.value + ".html"; } 

demo here


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