xaml - How to display from one model but save to another -

i have listview user can select multiple items chorelist. however, i'd items selected save model contains list of chores

below attempt @ that, isn't working. personsingle object contains 0 assignedchores

    <listview x:name="chorelist" borderbrush="white" borderthickness="1" grid.row="1"                displaymemberpath="summary" itemssource="{binding chorelist, mode=oneway}"                 selectedvalue="{binding personsingle.assignedchores, mode=twoway}"               selectionmode="multiple"/> 

what need add chores select personsingle.assignedchores list?

update answer:

    private void chorelist_selectionchanged(object sender, selectionchangedeventargs e)     {         if (e.removeditems.count > 0) {             foreach(win8chores.model.databasetables.chore item in e.removeditems)             {                 win8chores.model.databasetables.chore mychore = new model.databasetables.chore();                 mychore = item;                 vm.personsingle.assignedchores.remove(mychore);             }          }          if (e.addeditems.count > 0)         {             foreach (win8chores.model.databasetables.chore item in e.addeditems)             {                 win8chores.model.databasetables.chore mychore = new model.databasetables.chore();                 mychore = item;                 vm.personsingle.assignedchores.add(mychore);             }         }     } 


<listview x:name="chorelist" borderbrush="white" borderthickness="1" margin="401,322,613,150" grid.row="1"            displaymemberpath="summary" itemssource="{binding chorelist, mode=oneway}"            selectionmode="multiple" selectionchanged="chorelist_selectionchanged"/> 

i'm still wondering if there way strictly using binding. selectionchanged event worked.

with mutil-select listview, don't use selectedvalue property data binding. need access listview.selecteditems property list of selected items. handle selectionchanged event respond changes.


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