c# - How do I Trim All incoming Json object fields in MVC WEB API? -

what i'm trying achieve trim incoming object properties of type string in mvc web api project.

i thought model binder should solution, it's not being hit, if try set custom model binder instead of modelbinders.binders.defaultbinder..

the json example {"name": " test name ", "number": 15}

for example - if specify modelbinder explicitly, works..

[modelbinder(typeof(mycustombinder))]     public class testobject     {         public string name { get; set; }         public int number { get; set; }     } 

the controller ...

public class testcontroller : apicontroller {     // post api/test    public void post([modelbinder(typeof(mycustombinder))]testobject value)    {    } 

and registration

 modelbinders.binders.add(new keyvaluepair<type, imodelbinder>(typeof(testobject), new mycustombinder())); 

but want find more generalized approach, wouldn't need decorate each , every model class in project

i believe if your client-side code sends " test name " whitespaces, user might want way. however, if attending prevent him doing so, in hard way, not in handling <input type='text' .. /> on frontend, might end accessing form collection of request.

public viewresult index() {     request.form["name"] = request.form["name"].trim();      return view(); } 

or, in several other ways:

  • you make common asbtract controller class, same thing in onactionexecuting method.
  • you define actionfilter attribute class, whatever method or controller class mark it.

since working in limited edition of controller, can still access request property so:

httprequestbase request = ((httpcontextwrapper)request.properties["ms_httpcontext"]).request; 


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