css3 - Is it possible to cut out a triangle section from a div using CSS? -

is possible cut triangle <div> in picture below?

the background not colour, in case blurred picture, can’t cover green <div> brown triangle image. there other css way achieve effect? thanks.

example of div cut

the illusion of possible: http://jsfiddle.net/2hcrw/4/

tested with: ie 9, 10, firefox, chrome, safari on pc , ipad.

  • ::before , ::after pseudo elements skewed provide side of triangle each.
  • wrapper used clipping skewed pseudo elements. may able avoid using outer container wrapper.
  • elements can still styled borders, shadows, etc.
  • anything underneath show through properly.

demo borders , drop shadow: http://jsfiddle.net/2hcrw/8/

this demo adds tweak ipad retina prevent gap between element , pseudo elements (either caused drop shadow bleed or sub-pixel rendering behavior).

<div id="wrapper">     <div id="test">test</div> </div>   #wrapper {     overflow: hidden;     height: 116px; } #test {     height: 100px;     background-color: #ccc;     position: relative; } #test::before {     content:"";     position: absolute;     left: -8px;     width: 50%;     height: 16px;     top: 100px;     background-color: #ccc;     -webkit-transform: skew(-40deg);     -moz-transform: skew(-40deg);     -o-transform: skew(-40deg);     -ms-transform: skew(-40deg);     transform: skew(-40deg); } #test::after {     content:"";     position: absolute;     right: -8px;     width: 50%;     height: 16px;     top: 100px;     background-color: #ccc;     -webkit-transform: skew(40deg);     -moz-transform: skew(40deg);     -o-transform: skew(40deg);     -ms-transform: skew(40deg);     transform: skew(40deg); } 

as alternative, can use transparent image , "extend" element above pseudo elements. have answered similar question regarding circle cut element , show support options down ie7 (as future options true clipping/masking in css).


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