database - can't login to any account in mysql -

i installed mysql on mac , can't seem access accounts there.

i used commands :

shell> mysql -u root -p password: 

and since have not given 1 let go blank , error saying incorrect password.

i can login using

shell> mysql 

buy can't seem able change passwords or @ accounts in mysql.users.

i following error:

error 1142 (42000): select command denied user ''@'localhost' table 'users'

what do resolve issue , how use software sequel pro database?

your problem seems, dont have privileges localhost@root, privileges run below command.

mysql> grant privileges on *.* root@localhost identified 'password' grant option 

in mysql command prompt , have previleges access localhost root.

use command set password mysql

mysqladmin -u root password “newpassword”; 

example mysqladmin -u root password adhfhuef34;

you want restart database server after running command

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart 

if dint work, try

$ mysql -u root mysql> use mysql; mysql> update user set password=password("newpassword") user='root'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit 


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