angularjs - E2E Testing in Protractor using Firefox or Safari? -

i using protractor test angular.js app , working great in chrome. had issues getting set , learning webdriver syntax jasmine, i'm getting hang of , have number of tests running , passing in chrome.

does know of way run protractor in firefox or safari or ie or opera? i'd able run these tests against more browsers chrome. i've looked through the protractor docs on github shows config files chromedriver. there such thing firefox driver or safari driver?

ps. don't think it'll help, i'm not posting current config file, if useful, let me know , can post here.

yes! you'll need little setup depending on browser driver want use, firefox , safari should trivial. drivers included in selenium standalone server. add

capabilities: {     'browsername': 'firefox' // or 'safari' }, 

to config file.

for ie, need install separate binary, , selenium standalone server needs binary in path. after that, should able use ie browsername in config. check out iedriver documentation here -


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