python - Iteration over non-sequence of type `LineCurve`? -

with following code error message below not able resolve using documentation.

  • x integer
  • ln line
  • degrees float

here code

import rhinoscriptsyntax rs = [] in range(0, x + 1):                nl = rs.rotateobject(ln, rs.curveendpoint(ln), degrees * i, (0,0,1), true)     a.append(nl) 

i following message error:

runtime error (typeerrorexception): iteration on non-sequence of type linecurve`


line 1076, in transformobjects, "c:\users\**\appdata\roaming\mcneel\rhinoceros\5.0\plug-ins\ironpython (814d908a-e25c-493d-97e9-ee3861957f49)\settings\lib\rhinoscript\"   line 947, in rotateobjects, "c:\users\**\appdata\roaming\mcneel\rhinoceros\5.0\plug-ins\ironpython (814d908a-e25c-493d-97e9-ee3861957f49)\settings\lib\rhinoscript\"   line 924, in rotateobject, "c:\users\**\appdata\roaming\mcneel\rhinoceros\5.0\plug-ins\ironpython (814d908a-e25c-493d-97e9-ee3861957f49)\settings\lib\rhinoscript\"   line 7, in script 

type hint example

bibhas right here. rotateobject function accepts guid. if change type hint input work expected. the output


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