EGL guide for beginners -

i'd egl. however, "only" i've been able find api reference. searching "egl guide", "egl tutorial" or "egl beginners" hasn't succeeded. know of resource?

egl may not "library beginners". in case, guess should start beginning - but, what's beginning? read egl abstraction layer on system-dependent drawing apis, being "correct" way go. wayland uses it, , kmscon. looking source code, though, has given me headache.

p.s.: side note, feel more comfortable c++ (although guess that, if works on c, should work on c++). also, i'm using latest kernel, latest mesa release, guess there's support available egl.

to begin learning egl, recommend following resources.

  • the opengl es 3.0 programming guide addison-wesley provides tutorial on using egl opengl es, complete example code on github. book's text provides introduction parts of egl independent of operating system. cover operating system specific parts, book's example code provides complete program works on each major operating system. (addison-wesley publisher of many well-known opengl books, such the red book , opengl superbible).

    dan ginsburg, budirijanto purnomo, dave shreiner, aaftab munshi. opengl es 3.0 programming guide, 2e, chapter 3: introduction egl. addison-wesley, 2014. isbn-13: 978-0-321-93388-1, isbn-13: 978-0-13-344016-4.

  • as you're learning, keep side official egl 1.4 quick reference card.

  • (linux only) example code in egl_ext_platform_x11 extension specification demonstrates how create x11 window , produce eglsurface window. (the example programs opengl es 3.0 programming guide demonstrates how this, may find more focused treatment in egl_ext_platform_x11 specification easier follow).

  • (linux only) likewise, egl_mesa_platform_gbm extension specification demonstrates how same, gbm, headless egl backend supported opensource linux drivers.(the opengl es 3.0 programming guide not touch gbm).

depending on goals, may find useful following low-level resources, found in khronos egl registry.


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