javascript - jPlayer ends tracks 2-8% (a few seconds) too early? -

i'm not sure be... it's kind of hard debug.

basically when using jplayer, each track ends few seconds (mp3 format only).

i'm using s3/cloudfront cdn distribution, don't think has (unless there weird header issue create symptoms this). ive tried on 5 different mp3's far, same effect.

also, .progress-bar doesn't 100% either, ends @ 95% , goes next playlist item.

var fnmapp = (function() {      var player = function() {          var options = {             swfpath       : '<%= asset_path 'jplayer.swf' %>'           , supplied      : 'mp3'           , solution      : 'html,flash'           , wmode         : 'transparent'           , smoothplaybar : false         };          var fnmplaylist = new jplayerplaylist({             jplayer: '#fnmp'           , cssselectorancestor: '#fnmp-container'         }, mixtapeplaylist, options);           $('.fnmp-container .jp-gui a').click(function(e) {             e.preventdefault();         });     };      return {         player: player     };  })(); 

streaming mp3 files on http bit problematic because isn't typically possible know how big file (in time or samples) until downloaded, , frames counted. players around estimating time , either updating estimate playback continues or rolling past end of file, should there still data play after original estimated length.

it sounds happening original estimated length being used playback length. bug whatever playing audio, or codec using. jplayer, using either flash or browser via html5 playback. since forcing flash on html5 working in case, believe bug in build of chrome using. unfortunately, there no direct way fix problem, since out of control. can work around it.


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