android - Unresolved dependency error when creating a new project -

this error appears when creating new android application module in android studio using fixed tabs + swipes navigation.

it says:

the following dependencies not resolvable. see build.gradle file details. -

the error

i'm targeting android 4.0+ devices. why compatibility library involved? one workaround install library using android sdk manager, i'm concerned app use compatibility library when there no reason to. actionbar , fixed tab navigation should built-in android 4.0+ framework right?

this happened me intellij idea 13 ultimate when creating new gradle module. working on app supports froyo. had manually add support libraries sdk. after able build fine. here screenshot of project structure settings sdk have:

enter image description here

as can see, support v4, v7 , v13 added manually. associated android api 19 platform (in case). when create next new gradle module, still need go project structure select sdk under project, not need add support libs again. hope helps.


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