php - how to call a variable from one class function to another class function -

i new php oop

i have 2 files here code


public $bd, $db1;     class connection {     function connect() {       $this->db = 'hello world';       $this->db1 = 'hi'     }   } 

2) prd.php

require_once 'info.php' class prdinfo {     function productid() {       echo connection::connect()->$bd;       echo connection::connect()->$db1;      }   $prd = new prdinfo ();   $prd->productid ();   

how can echo var in 2nd class have tried in way not getting proper output


it should this.


class connection {    // these 2 variable should declared within class.    protected $db; // able access these variables diff class    protected $db1; // either scope should "protected" or define getter method.     public function __construct() {       $this->connect();    }     private function connect() {        $this->db = 'hello world';        $this->db1 = 'hi';    } } 


require_once 'info.php';  // accessing connection class in static scope // not case here. class prdinfo extends connection {    public function __construct() {        // initialize parent class        // in turn sets variables.        parent::__construct();    }     public function productid() {         echo $this->db;         echo $this->db1;    } }   $prd = new prdinfo (); $prd->productid (); 

this basic demonstration. modify per needs. more here -


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