Unidac (delphi) macro issue -

i have query:

select &macro1 table1 &macro2 

delphi code:

macrobyname('macro1').value := 'field1 test,field2'; macrobyname('macro2').value := 'test=1'; 

i got error this:

unknown column test in clouse 

question 2)

showmessage(sql.text); result "select &macro1 table1 &macro2" expect "select field1 test,field2 table1 test=1"

how can sql.text after macro replacing.

(excuse me bad english).

best regards, nouri

you don't database using have used (sql server , sybase) don't allow field aliases used in clause. have say:

macrobyname('macro2').value := 'field1=1'; 


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