c# - Wcf ignore MaxItemsInObjectGraph value -

our wcf service has following exception:

maximum number of items can serialized or deserialized in object graph '32767'. change object graph or increase maxitemsinobjectgraph quota.

we change config to:

  <behavior name="large">       <datacontractserializer maxitemsinobjectgraph="214783647"/>       <servicemetadata httpgetenabled="true"/>       <servicedebug includeexceptiondetailinfaults="true"/>   </behavior> 

but no change.

in debug mode when service host open value of datacontractserializer 214783647 , exception still occur.

changing value programmaticly doesn't help.

add attribute of servicebehavior on service doesn't help.

change machine.config here - doesn't help.

any ideas? thanks.

you may want confirm error not coming other side (client) of transaction.

one way verify, configure , enable wcf diagnostic event tracing , message logging, rerun test transaction , review service trace log file. following link demonstrates how enable tracing , message logging.



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