android - Interstitial Ad Loading After every 1 Minte -

i want display interstitial ad after every 1 minute... can 1 please explain sample code ...

thanks please

    interstitialads = new interstitialad(this, "your_pub_id");     final adrequest adrequest = new adrequest();     interstitialads.loadad(adrequest);     interstitialads.setadlistener(this); 

firstly very bad experience users. recommend against it.

but if want piss users off like:

final runnable runanble = new runnable() {   public void run() {     while (true) {       wait(60000);       runonuithread(intersitial.showad());       interstitial.loadad(new request());     }   } }; 

edit: do not this. have had word admob directly contravenes policies , account disabled.


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