string - I cannot understand why charindex is not working -

i baffled......

can tell me why

   charindex('\', reverse('test\henrov')) char1,    charindex('\', reverse('test\henrov'))-1 char2,    len(right('test\henrov', charindex('\', reverse('test\henrov'))))-1 test,    right('test\henrov',6) [ok],    right('test\henrov', charindex('\', reverse('test\henrov'))-1) [also_ok] 

works ,

   charindex('\', reverse(m.username)) char1,    charindex('\', reverse(m.username))-1 char2,    len(right(m.username, charindex('\', reverse(m.username))))-1 test,    right(m.username,6) [ok],    right(m.username, charindex('\', reverse(m.username))-1) [not_ok] 

does not work? m.username varchar contains 'test\henrov'.....

i error: invalid length parameter passed right function.

stupid! found solution here:

sql charindex throwing invalid length parameter passed left or substring function because of period?

right(m.username, charindex('\', reverse(m.username) +'\' ) -1) [ok_yes]


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