angularjs - Binded scope not change correctly -

i have directive composite of input , select tags source code available in plunker

i newbie in angularjs , first directive after read tutorials. when change select options binded scope item1 not change correctly!!!! expect item1 must updated selected item in selectedchanged function

thanks or improve

codecombo directive template :

<span>     <input ng-model="code" ng-change="codechanged()">     <select ng-model="selecteditem" ng-change="selectchanged()" ng-options="item item[propertytitle] item in list" class="codecombo-select"></select> </span> 

codecombo script :

   app.directive('codecombo', function($compile) {   return {  restrict:'a',             scope:{                 propertyid:'@',                 propertycode:'@',                 propertytitle:'@',                 list:'=' ,                 selecteditem:'=',                 selectedchanged:'&'             },             templateurl:'template.html',             link:             {                  pre: function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {                      /*make property optional*/                      if(!attrs.propertytitle) attrs.propertytitle="title";                      if(!attrs.propertyid) attrs.propertyid="id";                      if(!attrs.propertycode) attrs.propertycode="code";                  },                  post: function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {                     var select=element.find('select');                     var input=element.find('input');                       /*some code delete save space ...*/                      scope.code;                       /*select option changed*/                     scope.selectchanged=function(){                         console.log('select-changed');                         console.log(scope.selecteditem);                         if(scope.selecteditem!==null){                             fillselectedproperties(scope.selecteditem);                         }                         else                             emptyselectedproperties();                          scope.selectedchanged();                     }                       /*input text changed*/                     scope.codechanged=function(){                         console.log('code-changed');                         scope.selecteditem=findbycode(scope.list,scope.code);                         console.log(scope.selecteditem);                         scope.selectchanged();                     }                 }             }         }  }); 

codecombo usage in index.html :

<div codecombo list="testlist" selecteditem="item1" selectedchanged="selectedchanged()"></div> 

this controller :

app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope) {    $scope.testlist=[     {id:1,code:100,title:'item no.100'},     {id:2,code:200,title:'item no.200'},     {id:3,code:300,title:'item no.300'},     {id:4,code:400,title:'item no.400'}   ];    $scope.selectedchanged=function(){     /*     want staff item1 here , expect updated each selectedchanged     seem has previous value      */      console.log($scope.item1);     $scope.title=$scope.item1.title;   } }); 

for reason change listener (ng-change) fires before update of field of external scope. scope synchronization implemented $watch of variable in internal scope updates variable in external.

having said that, propose removing selectedchanged attribute , implementing watch in parent controller. think achieves same result, less code:

$scope.$watch("item1", function(newval) {     console.log($scope.item1);     $scope.title = $scope.item1 != null ? $scope.item1.title : "-"; }); 

(by way note null/undefined check.)

forked plunk:


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