The JavaScript charts are not showing up -

can me out code.

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#chartcontainer").dxchart({     datasource: [{         st_status: "placed students",         oranges: 3     }, {         st_status: "higher students",         oranges: 2     }, {         st_status: "overlap",         oranges: 1     }],      series: {         argumentfield: "st_status",         valuefield: "oranges",         name: "series 1",         type: "bar",         color: "blue"     } }); }             </script> 

the charts not showing in webpage. idea what's going wrong? rookie , please forgive me if not asking under correct topic. thanks!

edit: error in console says uncaught typeerror: object [object object] has no method 'dxchart' graph_test.php:46 failed load resource: server responded status of 404 (not found)

i had same issue. jquery being included on page second time after dxchart library. removed second script reference , worked fine.


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