php - Symfony 1.4 filter doesn't work -

i have problem filters in symfony 1.4 (module created admin generator)

 <?php  abstract class basetestformfilter extends baseformfilterdoctrine {     public function setup()     {         $this->setwidgets(array(             'country' => new sfwidgetformchoice(array('choices' => $this->getchoicesbyfield('country'))),             'currency' => new sfwidgetformchoice(array('choices' => $this->getchoicesbyfield('currency'))),         ));          $this->setvalidators(array(             'country' => new sfvalidatorpass(array('required' => false)),             'currency' => new sfvalidatorpass(array('required' => false)),         ));          $this->widgetschema->setnameformat('economiccalendar_filters[%s]');          $this->errorschema = new sfvalidatorerrorschema($this->validatorschema);          $this->setupinheritance();          parent::setup();     }      private function getchoicesbyfield($field){         $q = doctrine_query::create()             ->select("t.$field")             ->from('test t')             ->groupby("$field")             ->execute();          $query_result = $q->toarray();         $result = array();         foreach ($query_result $val) {             $result[$val[$field]] = $val[$field];         }         return $result;     }      public function getmodelname()     {         return 'test';     }      public function getfields()     {         return array(             'country' => 'text',             'currency' => 'text',         );     } } 

so have 2 filter fields looks selects. problem populating, when try filter, don't filter nothing, data same, out them. apreciate help.

so problem - needed add method

public function addcountrycolumnquery($query, $field, $value) {     if (!empty($value))     {         $query->andwherein('country', $value);     } } 

with out method, query filtered values don't values, need.


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