c# - App level localization in wp7 -

i need multi language support app in wp7. user can set language inside app. whenever language changed need change strings used. how maintain resource files , have better way of performing in app localization? there no dependency device display language.

in default localization scenario, have localized class has property resource file. bind in .xaml properties of property. is, labels.resx files have:

public class localized {     private static labels labels = new labels();      public labels labels { { return labels; } } } 

the preserve .xamls simple change like:

public class localized : inotifypropertychanged {     public ilabels labels { ... } }  // defines keys use in .resx files public interface ilabels {     string mainwindowheader { get; }     string oklabel { get; }     ... }  englishlabels : ilabels; germanlabels: ilabels; 

ilabels defines available texts. upon language switch localized sets new value labels property , raises propertychanged.

however, have doubts such app pass certification. why need in-app language switch on default behaviour?


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