scope - R: Apply, custom function and Dataframe names -

i have data frame indices containing various names correspond data frames (i.e. name "index 1" has corresponding data frame index 1).

now want run custom function calcscores on data frames , add several columns data frame. since i'm not in global environment return "new" data frame , want assign original variable index 1, index 1 has new data frame added columns.

here's code (no chance can make 100% reproducible since data custom hope understand question).

# here unique index names derived , stored # problem index names stored "index 1", "index 2" etc. # thats why have adjust these #titles , create individual data frames indices <- unique(df[1]) apply(unique(df[1]), 1, function(x){     assign(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true), subset(df,ticker==x), envir = .globalenv) })  calcrollingaverage <- function(parameter, lookbackwindow){     output <- rollapply(parameter, lookbackwindow, mean, fill=na, partial=false,                         align="right") }  calcscores<-function(index, lookbackwindow){     index$pe_avg = calcrollingaverage(index$pe_ratio, lookbackwindow)     index$pe_div_avg = index$pe_ratio/index$pe_avg     index$pe_score = cut(index$pe_div_avg, breaks=pe_breaks, labels=grades)      return(index) }  apply(indices,1,function(x) assign(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true), calcscores(get(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true)),lookback_window))) 

i guess problems in apply , whole get, assign , gsub story. scoping here issue... @ moment apply gives following error:

error: unexpected symbol in: "apply(indices,1,function(x) assign(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true), calcscores(get(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true)),lookback_window)) apply" 

ok solved it...sorry post. solution: envir = .globalenv

apply(indices,1,function(x) assign(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true), calcscores(get(gsub(" ","",x,fixed=true)),lookback_window),envir = .globalenv)) 


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