Delphi 7 and Indy 9 writing data from TCPServer -

i have delphi program sits server receiving data , sending small acknowledgement packets. used code (edited brevity)

procedure tdmserver.onexecutetcpserver(athread: tidpeerthread); var   incomingpacket : string;   responsepacket : string; begin   incomingpacket := athread.connection.readln(#$03);    if incomingpacket <> ''   begin     responsepacket := processtelegram(incomingpacket);      athread.connection.writeln(responsepacket);   end;    athread.connection.disconnect; end; 

this works fine, apart appending end of line crlf sends, client (not under control) doesn't like.

so changed to:


and nothing received on client.

then tried

athread.connection.writebuffer(responsepacket, length(responsepacket), true); 

to try , write immediately, still doesn't send @ all.

i have put in delays, tried opening buffer, flushing , closing again (like file), still no joy , time flushwritebuffer called av.

i'm stuck. please offer words of wisdom?

readln() strips off terminator result. processtelegram() accounting that? if needs terminator, have add in manually, eg:

processtelegram(incomingpacket + #03) 

is responsepacket being formatted correctly client expecting? if client not expecting terminating crlf, using write() instead of writeln() correct thing do.

if use writebuffer(), must dereference string in order pass correct data address writebuffer(), eg:

writebuffer(responsepacket[1], length(responsepacket), true) 


writebuffer(pchar(responsepacket)^, length(responsepacket), true) 

if client still not receiving response correctly, either not sending @ all, or not sending terminator client expecting. use packet sniffer, such wireshark, see client receiving, if anything.


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