insert - MySQL query runs without error but does not populate database -

evening folks,

having of "looked @ long moments".

this code when run return success message nothing gets entered database table, no errors being thrown up, know correct values being received _post can't see what's wrong, have identical query on page , works fine.

can see issues code?

if (isset($_post['username']) && $_post['username'] !== '') {      $salted = md5($_post['pass1'] . 'salt');    try   {     $sql = 'insert users set        username = :username,       firstname = :firstname,       lastname = :lastname,       email = :email,       password = $salted,       joined = curdate()';     $s = $pdo->prepare($sql);     $s -> bindvalue(':username', $_post['username']);     $s -> bindvalue(':firstname', $_post['firstname']);     $s -> bindvalue(':lastname', $_post['lastname']);     $s -> bindvalue(':email', $_post['email']);     $s -> execute();    }   catch (pdoexception $e)   {     $error = 'error adding submitted user.';     echo $error;     exit();   }    ?> <div class="alert alert-success">user added database.</div> <?php  } 

summarizing comments here, sake of having answer. marked community wiki.

  • a string in insert statement should quoted.

      password = '$salted', 
  • you should use parameter anyway.

      password = :password,    . . .    $s -> bindvalue(':password', $salted); 
  • md5 isn't preferred hashing function modern strong password storage. neither sha1.
    try use sha256 or bcrypt instead.

    $salted = hash('sha256', $_post['pass1'] . 'salt'); 
  • salting better if use random salt string per user.

  • make sure pdo instance configured throw exceptions.

    $pdo->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception); 
  • always capture pdo exception's error message, if don't output users.



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