Using a function as the parameter for another function in PHP -

this may strange , doesn't work wanted check before gave on idea. essentially, i'm trying use results of function 1 of parameters function. example - function1($param1, function2($param1));.

the code i've included outputs want to, issue i'm having outputs in wrong order - rather outputting: logos, h2, form, h2, form; outputs: form, h2, logos, form, h2.

// display list function ul($c, $p){         echo '<ul class="'.$c.'">'.$p.'</ul>';     }     // display list item     function li($c, $p){         echo '<li class="'.$c.'">'.$p.'</li>';     }     // display navigation         function nav(){             require 'strings.php';             // if user not logged in, display login form             if(!isset($_session[$uss])){                 $nav = li('', require_once 'log_in.php');             // otherwise provide user information , navigation             }else{                 $nav = li($lks, $_session[$uss][$uns]).                        li($dss, $uss.' id: '.$_session[$uss]['id']).                        li($dss, $uss.' type: '.$_session[$uss]['type']).                        '<div id="display_projects_container">'.                        require_once('display_projects.php').                        '</div>'.                        li($lks, '<a href="newsfeed.php" class="'.$lks.'">news feed</a>').                        li($dss, 'check updates.').                        li($lks, '<a href="task_list.php" class="'.$lks.'">task list</a>').                        li($dss, 'tasks completed.').                        li($lks, '<a href="logout.php" class="'.$lks.'">log out</a>').                        li($dss, 'time burrito!');             }             echo '<div id="left_column">                 <!--after breakpoint logo-->                 <img src="logo.png" class="after_breakpoint_logo" />';                 ul('navigation', '<!--before breakpoint logo-->'.                                  li('before_breakpoint_logo', '<a href="index.php">        <img src="logo.png" class="before_breakpoint_logo" /></a>').                                  $nav);                 echo '</div><div id="content_container"><div id="content">';         } 

is there work around this? or not possible do?

the problem echoing results output. instead should use li , ul functions build , return string caller echo out or pleases. therefore uland li functions should become:

function ul($c, $p){     return '<ul class="'.$c.'">'.$p.'</ul>'; }  function li($c, $p){     return '<li class="'.$c.'">'.$p.'</li>'; }     

you call li many times doing set $nav. put together, in final call have:

echo ul('navigation', '<!--before breakpoint logo-->'.      li('before_breakpoint_logo', '<a href="index.php">        <img src="logo.png" class="before_breakpoint_logo" /></a>'). $nav); 


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