iphone - Terminated App due to memory Pressure -

i have app take images in burst mode ,but once when image take , come preview getting crashed , error shows "terminated app due memory pressure "

i need take more number of images when user holds camera button...after leave button ,i need show images slideshow..what have ?

my code is:

- (void)longpress:(uilongpressgesturerecognizer*)gesture {     if (gesture.state == uigesturerecognizerstatebegan) {         [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self                                                  selector:@selector(takepictures)                                                      name:avcapturesessiondidstartrunningnotification object:nil];     }     else if (gesture.state == uigesturerecognizerstateended)     {     }   -(void)takepictures {     [imagepicker takepicture]; } 

help me..

storing images in ram costly, due high resolution of images. more, observer cause takepicture called multiple times - many. take multiple pictures using imagepicker, these images consume ram, , since ios has no swap - run out of ram. jetsam/memorystatus kicks in, , kills app, having consumed memory.

ways around this:

a) take less pictures in burst mode. use global variable , j, increment in takepictures, take actual picture on j % 2 == 0, or j %3 ==0 (you'll need play around value)

b) try save @ least of photos storage, release them ram (remove reference them).


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