c++ - Range of HSV values to sample an Image as done by adobe -

i have image shown in inset. sampled in adobe photoshop using blue color image shows. sampled image shown in gray-scale on left.

i know opencv provides similar method sample images inrange() function. how can find out range of hsv values adobe checked sample image. since resultant image pretty want , not able determine range myself great if 1 guide me same.

photoshop sampled

you can convert image in hsv cv::cvtcolor(...) here documentation

then accordingly wikipedia blue near 240° of hue channel of image. can set maxhue = 270 , minhue = 180 or other values scan image.

maybe should set minsaturation , minvalue avoid black , white.

to find best ranges can link them sliders in qt gui , change them until same result photoshop...


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