Cannot Update Git Submodule -

i trying clone of vim settings git repo, , repo contains submodules of other hosted projects. however, when try update of submodules, following error.

cloning bundle/ack... remote: counting objects: 318, done. remote: compressing objects: 100% (189/189), done. remote: total 318 (delta 124), reused 256 (delta 70) receiving objects: 100% (318/318), 48.13 kib, done. resolving deltas: 100% (124/124), done. submodule path 'bundle/ack': checked out 'fd9632b40ac07b39adb270311cde2c460c9ba6da' cloning bundle/command-t... remote: counting objects: 2820, done. remote: compressing objects: 100% (1434/1434), done. remote: total 2820 (delta 1348), reused 2574 (delta 1122) receiving objects: 100% (2820/2820), 2.75 mib | 701 kib/s, done. resolving deltas: 100% (1348/1348), done. submodule path 'bundle/command-t': checked out '07087e16ba8fe0a87b1d1ccd03e158a0157dc1f8' cloning bundle/fugitive... error: rpc failed; result=22, http code = 400 fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly clone of '' submodule path 'bundle/fugitive' failed 

i cannot update rest of plugins. accessing github on ssh (rather https). also, there way can update rest of plugins (submodules) individually?

make sure can reproduce issue: work?

 git clone 

(i tested it, , clones fine)

it possible glitch due recent github availability issue:

14:22 utc small percentage of git repositories unavailable due emergency maintenance on 1 of our fileserver pairs.

second, url isn't using https: can try , switch url with: or 

for that, git 1.8.3+, need to:

git submodule deinit bundle/fugitive # edit .gitmodules git submodule update --init bundle/fugitive 


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