active directory - Powershell: import-csv and get-aduser -

i trying find users, storing in 'users.csv' in ad:

import-module activedirectory import-csv "\users.csv" | foreach-object { get-aduser -filter {displayname -eq $}} 

but ps says 'id' property not found

users.csv contents:

id macaskill danny cedric gracia 


edit csv file , enclose displaynames double quotes so,

id "macaskill danny" "cedric gracia" 

after that, use itermediate variable so,

import-csv .\users.csv | % {     $f = $; # set displayname temp variable     get-aduser -filter { displayname -eq $f } # use temp variable filter } 

i don't konw why intermeidate variable needed. there weird going on passing , parsing variables -filter parameter.


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