android - How can I find size of any file from SD_Card? -

i have mp 3 file in sd card , have path of mp 3 / "any extension" file.

now ,

how can size of mp 3 file using code ?

try this

        file file=new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(), "lala.mp3");          if(file.exists()){              double bytes = file.length();             double kilobytes = (bytes / 1024);             double megabytes = (kilobytes / 1024);             double gigabytes = (megabytes / 1024);             double terabytes = (gigabytes / 1024);             double petabytes = (terabytes / 1024);             double exabytes = (petabytes / 1024);             double zettabytes = (exabytes / 1024);             double yottabytes = (zettabytes / 1024);              system.out.println("bytes : " + bytes);             system.out.println("kilobytes : " + kilobytes);             system.out.println("megabytes : " + megabytes);             system.out.println("gigabytes : " + gigabytes);             system.out.println("terabytes : " + terabytes);             system.out.println("petabytes : " + petabytes);             system.out.println("exabytes : " + exabytes);             system.out.println("zettabytes : " + zettabytes);             system.out.println("yottabytes : " + yottabytes);         }else{              system.out.println("file not exists!");         } 


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