python - How can I use social-auth on my templates? -

i've setup social-auth use facebook , can login now, how carry user data template? how can use user data on template, example:

avatar here {{ user_city }}


there's few ways achieve once social_auth has been installed user has relationship usersocialauth model provided social_auth. you'll have read documentation how work facebook graph. can ask permissions via facebook dialog.

one way:

{{ user.social_auth.all.0 }}  # et cetera 

the nicer way using templatetag , open graph

<img src="{{ user|social_auth:'avatar' }}" />  @register.filter def social_auth(user, arg):     try:         social_user = usersocialauth.objects.get(user=user)     except usersocialauth.doesnotexist:         social_user = none     if social_user , arg == "avatar":         return ""+social_user.uid+"/picture" 


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