python - Possible to get alexa information or google page rankings over time? -

i trying access historical google page rankings or alexa rankings on time add weightings on search engine making fun. separate function call in python (ideally) , pass in paramaters of url , how long wanted average over, measured in days , use information weight results!

i think fun work on, feel may easy trick of apis guru might able show me , save me few sleepless weeks! can help?

thanks lot !

if @ alexa page stack overflow can see next global rank offers change of site's rank on past 3 months. may not down level of granularity like, scrape out information relatively , doubt gain additional information looking @ changes of different lengths of time. long term answer collect , store rankings have historical record going forward.

update: here sample code.

import mechanize import cookielib beautifulsoup import beautifulsoup   def changerankscrapper(site):     """     takes site url, scrapes site's alexa page,     , returns site's global alexa rank ,     change in rank on past 3 months.     """      #create alexa url     url = "" + site      #get html     cj = cookielib.cookiejar()     mech = mechanize.openerfactory().build_opener(mechanize.httpcookieprocessor(cj))     request = mechanize.request(url)     response =     html =      #parse html beautifulsoup     soup = beautifulsoup(html)      globalrank = int(soup.find("strong", { "class" : "metricsurl font-big2 valign" }).text)     changerank = int(soup.find("span", { "class" : "change-wrapper change-up" }).text)       return globalrank, changerank  #example site = "" globalrank, changerank = changerankscrapper(site) print(globalrank) print(changerank) 


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