multidimensional array - Lines of same bray-curtis similarity plotted onto MDS in R -

does know how plot lines of equal similarity (as determined bray-curtis matrix) onto mds plot in r.

i have managed overlay cluster (hclust()) onto mds (metamds()) community composition data want draw compositional hulls around sites of same or higher similarity.

if have hclust-object can use cutree() extract groups dissimilarity greater specific value.

this grouping variable can plotted onto nmds-plot via ordihull() or ordispider().

here example:

require(vegan) data(dune)  # nmds nmds <- metamds(dune)  # cluster clus <- hclust(vegdist(dune)) plot(clus) rect.hclust(clus, h = 0.6) 

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# extract groups similarity > 0.6 between group_clus <- cutree(clus, h=0.6)   # plot 4 groups plot(nmds, display = 'sites', type = 'text') ordihull(nmds, groups=group_clus) 

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