mysqldump - Can not import large SQL dump into MySQL 5.6 -

i dumped large database sql file contains large blob attachments table. when doing dump turned on hex-blobs, , i've done dump many times before without problems.

the dump done using mysql 5.1 database.

i have clean install of mysql 5.6 , can not import sql file. file 13gb , fails each time @ same line.

mysql --user=root --password=xxxx --database=budgets_3 < budgets_3.sql warning: using password on command line interface can insecure. error 2006 (hy000) @ line 3251: mysql server has gone away 

mysql not restarting or crashing. i've @ sql file using text large files , can not see wrong. except insert statement large. have run import on cli , in mysql workbench both fail. i've set max_allowed_packet=128m still not work (should more enough).

here paste of top part of sql file.

-- mysql dump 10.13  distrib 5.1.72, win64 (unknown) -- -- host: localhost    database: nosweatbudgets_3 -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- server version   5.1.72-community  /*!40101 set @old_character_set_client=@@character_set_client */; /*!40101 set @old_character_set_results=@@character_set_results */; /*!40101 set @old_collation_connection=@@collation_connection */; /*!40101 set names utf8 */; /*!40103 set @old_time_zone=@@time_zone */; /*!40103 set time_zone='+00:00' */; /*!40014 set @old_unique_checks=@@unique_checks, unique_checks=0 */; /*!40014 set @old_foreign_key_checks=@@foreign_key_checks, foreign_key_checks=0 */; /*!40101 set @old_sql_mode=@@sql_mode, sql_mode='no_auto_value_on_zero' */; /*!40111 set @old_sql_notes=@@sql_notes, sql_notes=0 */; 

this workstation in process of trying update mysql 5.6, , if can't fix i'll have take dump production server. take many hours download i'd see if can working here.

i ran query see real value of max_allowed_packet when running import.

show variables 'max%'; 

i discovered mysql workbench 6.x not restarting mysql after changing configuration file. result attempts resolve problem not working.

after restarting mysql import operation worked successfully.

in addition, read max_allowed_packet setting used in both server , client. if experience problem make sure set in server configuration, , on client. set on client mysql --max_allowed_packet=64m in command line.

the problem server can disconnect if packet large, , mysql client can disconnect if packet large.

this discussed here in manual.


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