android - Do I need to use PreferenceActivity or database or another? -

someone know here, i'm newbie android development. i'm trying create simple fitness application. first thing app getting data user. example; weight, height, age etc. , program return can change data got user. wonder, how need storage data? need use preferenceactivity, database or another?

also want ask, need use term of preference suffix layout elements when create layout use preferenceactivity?

how many users support in app on 1 device? if one, go shared preferences: it's easy use , store little data.

if support multiple users, may start thinking sqlite database. also, think whether want expand app in future , maybe add fitness goals, track weight progress on time, etc. in case, may want use database easier expand.

as second question, if use preferenceactivity, don't need layout @ all. define preferences in xml file. check link more info:


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