how to get the next td elements from the same tr in HTML, vba -

i new in vba. wants yours opinion in how value next td elements using condition. lets say, if elements previous td true take next td link download file.

in html, on 1 tr , 3 td this:

table 1. inventories | link download.xls | link

this coding:

dim tr mshtml.ihtmlelementcollection, dim td mshtml.ihtmlelementcollection  dim tdobj mshtml.htmlgenericelement dim trobj mshtml.htmlgenericelement   set tr = htmldoc.getelementsbytagname("tr") each trobj in tr     set td = trobj.getelementsbytagname("td")     each tdobj in td         if (trim(tdobj.innertext) "table 1. inventories*")             "take link download .xls here"         end if     next next 

it possible get? table inventories stuck on how "link download.xls". if there suggestion, please let me know guys..

as santosh said in comments:

use nextsibling property obtain next item in list.


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