vbscript - Compare two xml files using VBS in QTP -

i need compare 2 xml files using qtp values each tag needs compared , need print difference in values if found. used built in function xmlutil not working expected i.e.. creates file differences including parent tag.

<tns:aal_request_new xsi:schemalocation="http://www.bnymellon.com/aal_request_new  aal_request_new.xsd">   <tns:opf_information>     <tns:source>       <tns:source>eph</tns:source>     </tns:source>     <tns:references>       <tns:accounting_record_reference>130830000672401</tns:accounting_record_reference>       <tns:opf_reference>eph1308300006724</tns:opf_reference>       <tns:group_reference>eph1308300006723</tns:group_reference>     </tns:references>   </tns:opf_information> </tns:aal_request_new> 

in above xml file need tags values like

tns:source value eph, tns:accounting_record_reference value 130830000672401, tns:opf_reference value eph1308300006724 , tns:group_reference eph1308300006723 compared , not parent tags tns:references, tns:opf_information or tns:aal_request_new.

can logic fetch tags has no child tag inside , ends having value between start <> , end , compare other file , print tag name , values if there difference?

you can use createobject("microsoft.xmldom") read xml files , retrive tags tag name , comparte them both.

set objxmldoc = createobject("microsoft.xmldom")  objxmldoc.async = false  objxmldoc.load("<xml path>")  set root = objxmldoc.documentelement  set tags = root.tagnames set nodelist = root.getelementsbytagname("<node name>") each elem in nodelist  msgbox  elem.text next 

thanks , regards


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