c# - EF access navigation properties in model -

i have entity below

public class role {     [key, required, databasegenerated(databasegeneratedoption.identity)]     public int id { get; set; }      [required, stringlength(30)]     public string name { get; set; }      public virtual icollection<user> users { get; set; }     public virtual icollection<rolepermission> permissions { get; set; }      public bool haspermission(string code)     {         foreach (var p in this.permissions)         {             if (p.permission.code.equals(code))                 return true;         }          return false;     } } 

and in controller, code run fine:

for (var p in db.user.where(u => u.userid == 1).first().role.permissions) { printtodebug(); } 


user ur = db.user.where(u => u.userid == 1).first(); ur.role.haspermission("some_code_were_defined"); 

then permissions list in haspermission has 0 length, why , how solve?

this occurring because of entity framework lazy loading. in first statement, requesting permissions property, causes entity framework generate query loads table database. in second query, asking entity framework load user table database, haspermission method calling has no way of making database call load permissions table.

this common issue when working entity framework. can resolved using include() extension method entity framework eagerly load related table in second query, i.e. user ur = db.user.where(u => u.userid == 1).include(u => u.role.permissions).first();


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