Python prevent copying object as reference -

is possible copy object in python without copying reference?

for example, if define class

class someclass:     def __init__(self):         self.value = 0 

and create instance

someobject = someclass() someobject.value = 12 

and try copy instance:

anotherobject = someobject 

and try modify property,

anotherobject.value = 10 

the original property gets modified:

print someobject.value #prints 10 

is there way prevent happening? clarify, want anotherobject.value contain 10, want someobject.value still contain original 12. possible in python?

thanks in advance.

the problem is,

anotherobject = someobject 

you don't copy object, add reference it. copy object, try this:

from copy import copy  anotherobject = copy(someobject) 


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