php - Define a constant, then retrieve it from a different scope -

if define constant in wordpress on file_1.php

define( 'something', location );

how can use in file_2.php?

if define again sends "constant defined" error. if don't define it, doesn't know is. if detects exists, there must way access it. there way can access file_2.php?

something = specific url, , i'm trying use in file_2,php load script,, "wp_register_script('script', . '/filename.css')"

if don't define again , try use in "wp_register_script" says "use of undefined constant - assumed 'something'"


you'd need place define() in file every script come across in wordpress (i.e. file that's included, wp-config.php site-wide definitions).

if define constant in 1 file, doesn't mean other pages automatically knows exists, until it's 'included'.

at top of functions.php make sure it's going use something, can see if exists first:

if ( !defined( 'something' )) {     define( 'something', 'location/here/folder' ); } 

for testing purposes, before trying use register_script - save expected string variable.

<?php     $scriptlocation = soemthing . '/filename.css';     echo $scriptlocation;  ?> 


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