python - Nginx and CSS Issue -

i've set local nginx server uwsgi python website following config

server {     root /var/www/localhost/current;     index index.html index.htm;     server_name localhost;      location /static {         alias /var/www/localhost/current/static;     }      location / {         include uwsgi_params;         uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/localhost.sock;         uwsgi_param uwsgi_pyhome /var/www/localhost;         uwsgi_param uwsgi_chdir /var/www/localhost/current;         uwsgi_param uwsgi_module wsgi;         uwsgi_param uwsgi_callable application;     }      error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;     location = /50x.html {        root /usr/share/nginx/www;     } } 

uwsgi config:

[uwsgi] plugins=python vhost=true socket=/tmp/localhost.sock 

when make changes css file located in /static folder following when visit in browser:

bad css file

this css should like:

body {     background-color: #002b36;     position: relative;     padding-top: 50px;     color: #93a1a1; } 

if remove color: #93a1a1; don't \u0 character. idea's on be?

didn't mention above should have. server running in virtualbox.

thanks question on serverfault i've added sendfile off; /static configuration has fixed issue.

location /static {     alias /var/www/localhost/current/static;     sendfile off; } 


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