android - Gradle skipping task X as it has no source files -

i have created compiles android project. producing correct apks , post build step want copy them folder more meaningful name.

i have wrote task achieve this:

task copybundle(type: copy) {     def versioncode = android.defaultconfig.versioncode     def builddate = new date().format("yyyy-mm-dd't'hh-mm")      def outputfile = 'hexpath-android-release-' + builddate + '-' + versioncode + '.apk'      println "copying file " + outputfile      from('hexpath-android/build/apk/')     into('output/android/')     include('hexpath-android-release.apk')     rename ('hexpath-android-release.apk', outputfile) } 

the problem having skips task saying "skipping task ':hexpath-android:copybundle' has no source files.

any ideas on doing wrong?

the folder correct , has several .apks. include filename correct. output folder not exist when script ran. rename valid filename.

you said folder has several apk files, here including 1 possible file, has named 'hexpath-android-release.apk'. have file there?

if want 1 file copied each time, i'd suggest rewriting end this:

from('hexpath-android/build/apk/hexpath-android-release.apk') {     rename { outpufile } } into('output/android/') 

but if want multiple files copied, revise 'include' segment have wildcards, , make maybe closure create output names. hope helps.

also, isn't hexpath-android project itself. shouldn't path start 'build...'?


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