linux - setting Cronjobs in exact time -

i want set cronjob in directadmin control panel , have question. if set job in format:

05 21 * * * /home/ 

my script run 1 time in day @ 21:05 or every 5 miutes(12 times in hour) , every day @ 21:00 ?? want cronjobs run's 1 time in day @ 21:05! please me

your script run @ 21:50 every day.

see file formats manpage crontab:

$ man 5 crontab 

the line parts before command crontab are: (below manpage.)

the time , date fields are:    field          allowed values   -----          --------------   minute         0-59   hour           0-23   day of month   1-31   month          1-12 (or names, see below)   day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 sun, or use names)  field may asterisk (*), stands "first-last". 

and see example further below: (below manpage.)

# run 5 minutes after midnight, every day 5 0 * * *       $home/bin/daily.job >> $home/tmp/out 2>&1 

man friend.


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