Unexpected output with DumpMem in MASM - Assembly -
i have written simple small assembly program in masm output getting unexpected , prefixed 3. have entered 12345
on displaying shows output as
31 32 33 34 35
where if don't take input user , hard code mystring byte 1,2,3,4,6
- shows output 01 02 03 04 06
help me in understanding behavior - in advance
here program code:
include irvine32.inc .data disp byte "enter string : ",0 mystring byte 5 dup(?) .code main proc mov edx,offset disp call writestring mov edx, offset mystring mov ecx, 50 call readstring mov esi, offset mystring mov ecx, lengthof mystring mov ebx, type mystring call dumpmem exit main endp end main
you dumping hexadecimal values of ascii codes of characters in string, since how stored in memory. 31 hex = ascii '0', 32 hex = ascii '1', etc.
note convert ascii digit such '0' corresponding byte value need subtract 0x30. conversely can convert decimal digit stored byte equivalent ascii character code adding 0x30.
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