c# - Populating multiple comboboxes in a single event -

i'm trying populate number of combo boxes in formload method, 1st 1 populates. in same method same stored procedures called data grids , work fine. please see attached code:

    private void frmmain_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         dataaccesslayer dal = new dataaccesslayer();         pnleditcall.visible = false;         pnleditinspection.visible = false;         pnleditequipment.visible = false;         #region populate datagrids         dgvinspections.datasource = dal.getallinspections();         dgvcalls.datasource = dal.getallcalls();         dgvstaff.datasource = dal.getallstaff();         dgvlabs.datasource = dal.getalllabs();         dgvequipment.datasource = dal.getallequipment();         #endregion          #region populate comboboxes         cmbinspectionstaff.datasource = dal.getallstaff();         cmbinspectionstaff.displaymember = "name";         cmbinspectionstaff.valuemember = "[staffid]";         cmbcallstaff.datasource = dal.getallstaff();         cmbcallstaff.displaymember = "name";         cmbcallstaff.valuemember = "[staffid]";         cmbcurrentlab.datasource = dal.getalllabs();         cmbcurrentlab.valuemember = "[labno]";         cmbcurrentlab.displaymember = "[labno]";         #endregion      } 


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