c# - Populate XML tag more than once -

the task have create xml xsd given.

i have made use of xsd.exe generate class bunch of properties in it.

one of property of return type array of class.

ex :

public class brokerconfirmation {     public brokerconfirmation();     public string market { get; set; }     public string schemaversion { get; set; }     public string sellerparty { get; set; }     public string senderid { get; set; }     public brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity[] timeintervalquantities { get; set; }  } 

brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity class follows

public class brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity {     public brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity();      public decimal contractcapacity { get; set; }     public datetime deliveryenddateandtime { get; set; }     public datetime deliverystartdateandtime { get; set; }     public decimal price { get; set; }     [xmlignore]     public bool pricespecified { get; set; } } 

now want display tags of brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity class more once .

how can achieve ?

the code have tried populate time interval qty once follows :

var data = new brokerconfirmation(); xmldocument docsave = new xmldocument(); data.timeintervalquantities = new brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity[]                 {                    new brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity {                       deliverystartdateandtime = convert.todatetime("2013-10-01"),                       deliveryenddateandtime = convert.todatetime("2013-10-30"),                       contractcapacity = trade.quantity,                       price = trade.price,                       pricespecified = true};                  }; 


var data = new brokerconfirmation(); xmldocument docsave = new xmldocument(); data.timeintervalquantities = new brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity[]             {                new brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity {...},                 // more instances here....                new brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity {...},                 new brokerconfirmationtimeintervalquantity {...},                // etc...             }; 


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