excel - Generate all possible combinations of choices from mutually exclusive options -

i have optimisation problem requires me test potential combinations of choices of potential portfolios, need able adapt exclude choices.

this must done in excel.

the rules sanitised example below:

  • i can chose buy fruit of 3 grocers
  • the grocers may have different amount of aisles, , different combinations of fruit select from
  • i can pick 1 selection of fruit (or no selection @ all) grocers


  1. my first combintaon no fruit grocer
  2. in next pick apples aisle 3 grocer3
  3. then apples aisle 2 grocer3
  4. then apples aisle 1 grocer3
  5. then pick apples aisle 2 grocer2 , nothing grocer 3 (ie same choice grocer 3 combination 1 etc)
  6. theni pick apples aisle 2 grocer2, , apples aisle 3 grocer3 (ie same choice grocer 3 combination 2) , on

all give me 7*4*4 = 112 possible combinations consisting of

  • 7 choices grocer 1 (6 selection choices + 1 nothing)
  • 4 choices grocer 2 (3 selection choices + 1 nothing)
  • 4 choices grocer 3 (3 selection choices + 1 nothing)

1. unconstrained problem unconstrained

my actual problem far more complicated basic structure holds true.

what have or approach populate available choices for:

  1. the unconstrained problem.
  2. a constrained problem (for example turn off aisle 2 giving me 45 valid combinations)

2. constrained problem unconstrained

what have tried

i did solve intial problem number of grocer options same mod\int approach. simple single formula patterns repeatable.

if there smart formula solution preferred, i'm open code (and route trying)

enter image description here

in experts-exchange paq http://rdsrc.us/qdl6tl worked on similar problem enumerate every combination of 5 different categories of things. number of things in each category varied. enumeration had consider possibility of no selection in category 1 selection drawn category.

i approached problem writing 5 digit number, number of possible digits @ each position in number variable.

sub combinatrixplus() 'forms combinations of @ least 2 subattributes taken selection. _     no more 1 subattribute may taken row. 'uses variable base counting method  dim long, ii long, j long, k long, lensep long, _     m long, mcol long, msheet long, mrow long, _     n long, nblock long, nmax long, nwide long dim v variant, vinputs variant, vresults variant dim rg range, rgdest range dim ws worksheet dim s string, sep string  application.screenupdating = false sep = ", "      'separator substring between each subattribute in results set ws = worksheets("sheet2")   'put first batch of results in worksheet set rgdest = ws.[a2]      'put results starting in cell msheet = rgdest.worksheet.index mcol = rgdest.column lensep = len(sep) set rg = selection      'cells containing subattributes nblock = 16384          'maximum number of values in results array  'clear previous results application.displayalerts = false = worksheets.count ws.index step -1     worksheets(i).cells.clear                   'clear cells     if > ws.index worksheets(i).delete   'delete sheet next application.displayalerts = true  n = rg.rows.count nwide = n       'if results lists subattributes in separate cells 'nwide = 1      'if results lists subattributes single string separators redim v(n, 1 2) vinputs = rg.value v(0, 2) = 1 = 1 n     v(i, 1) = application.counta(rg.rows(i))     v(i, 2) = (v(i, 1) + 1) * v(i - 1, 2) next nmax = v(n, 2) - 1   redim vresults(1 nblock, 1 nwide) = 1 nmax     s = ""     m = 0     ii = ii + 1     j = 1 n         k = (i mod v(j, 2)) \ v(j - 1, 2)         if k <> 0             m = m + 1             if nwide > 1 vresults(ii, j) = vinputs(j, k)             s = s & sep & vinputs(j, k)         end if     next     s = mid$(s, lensep + 1)     if nwide = 1 vresults(ii, 1) = s  'results in concatentated string     if m < 2 ii = ii - 1      if ii = nblock         application.statusbar = "now posting combination " & & " of " & nmax         mrow = rgdest.worksheet.cells(rows.count, mcol).end(xlup).row         if rgdest.worksheet.cells(mrow, mcol) <> "" mrow = mrow + 1         if mrow < rgdest.row mrow = rgdest.row         if (rows.count - mrow) >= nblock             rgdest.worksheet.cells(mrow, mcol).resize(nblock, nwide).value = vresults         else             msheet = msheet + 1             if worksheets.count < msheet worksheets.add after:=worksheets(msheet - 1)             activesheet                 set rgdest = .range(rgdest.address)                 j = 1 n                     .columns(j).columnwidth = ws.columns(j).columnwidth                 next                 mrow = rgdest.row                 .cells(mrow, mcol).resize(nblock, nwide).value = vresults             end         end if         ii = 0         redim vresults(1 nblock, 1 nwide)     end if next  if ii > 0         application.statusbar = "now posting combination " & & " of " & nmax         mrow = rgdest.worksheet.cells(rows.count, mcol).end(xlup).row         if rgdest.worksheet.cells(mrow, mcol) <> "" mrow = mrow + 1         if mrow < rgdest.row mrow = rgdest.row         if (rows.count - mrow) >= nblock             rgdest.worksheet.cells(mrow, mcol).resize(nblock, nwide).value = vresults         else             msheet = msheet + 1             if worksheets.count < msheet worksheets.add after:=worksheets(msheet - 1)             activesheet                 set rgdest = .range(rgdest.address)                 j = 1 n                     .columns(i).columnwidth = ws.columns(j).columnwidth                 next                 mrow = rgdest.row                 .cells(mrow, mcol).resize(nblock, nwide).value = vresults             end         end if     = rgdest.worksheet.usedrange.rows.count   'reset scrollbar end if application.statusbar = false   'clear status bar application.screenupdating = true end sub 


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